Musky America Magazine March 2025 Edition

Tools For Muskie As a Muskie angler you should always have a landing net, so we will not dwell on the obvious. The tools shown here are what we consider essential for safety for the Muskie as well as the Muskie angler. You will need a hook out tool, a good set of channel lock pliers, long nose pliers, a landing glove and most importantly compound bolt cutters. You should NEVER leave the dock without compound bolt cutters. The picture here shows the handheld compound bolt cutters that I use. It is a lightweight tool that can be operated with one hand. It has an anodized finish to minimize rusting and it allows you to be able to apply the required leverage to a double strength treble hook to cut it without having to shake it or twist it as you have to do with heavy duty side cutters or wire cutters. This ability to cleanly and quickly cut through a hook is very important when the hook you are trying to cut is in your hand or your arm or your thumb. It is even more important if that hook or another hook on the lure is also attached to a thrashing 15 or 20 pound Muskie. It has happened to others and the odds are that it may eventually happen to you.